Dances with chipmunks

  • el
  • pt
  • I just got back from a hike on the prairie. Dogs are glad I’m home. They like these daylight rambles in the fall, the season for gathering seeds from the prairie… big blue stem, little blue stem, prairie drop seed, Indian feather grass, compass plant, prairie dock, cone flowers, and umpteen kinds of sunflowers all go in the plastic bag, then the freezer, to be planted in the spring, turning my pasture back into native prairie a little at a time. Now if I only had some miniature buffaloes to stampede around I’d pretty much have the whole Lakota Sioux ecology in miniature.

    What was it they said, “It’s a good day to… what, dig garlic maybe?” That’s next.

    Posted in Dogs, Farm Almanac, Nature Tagged with: , , ,
    One comment on “Dances with chipmunks
    1. Peter Tibbles says:

      Robbie’s another favorite of mine. Well, The Band and his songs and guitar playing. Dare I leave another link? Oh hell, why not? (Well, you might get heartily sick of my shameless self-promotion, that’s why not). Here’s my piece on the Band (including a song from Robbie).



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