Molly Bloom on Bloomsday

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  • Too long since I’ve updated the blog with a cute story centered on the pup. She’s over two years old now, born 3/17/2004. She has matured, and she is too bright for her plodding owners. We don’t always have words for what she wants us to want her to do. So she teaches us.

    Take for example the command, “Roll on rug.” One evening Molly was indeed rolling on the rug and I asked her about it. Pretty straightforward… “Are you rolling on the rug?” I asked.

    She leaped into my lap and began to lick my face and ears. After a minor tussle she was back on the floor and I was swabbing off dog spit with a paper towel. Unable to leave well enough alone, I asked her if she liked rolling on the rug. Bam! She was back in my lap licking my face and showing no mercy. When she was back on the floor watching me wisely from the (rug), I called Beth in to check it out. “Sit on the couch,” I suggested. She did. Then in a whisper I said, “Now ask Molly if she enjoys rolling on the rug.” She raised her eyebrows. “Really,” I said. And so she uttered the key phrase with the predictable result, and now Molly has us trained. Whenever Molly wants to play licky-face, we have to ask her if she’d like to roll on the rug.

    Complex communication scenario, ain’t it?

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    1. Posted June 16, 2024 at 4:01 | Permalink

      Sounds like a fairly sophisticated canine encryption algorithm for secure communications.

    2. Posted June 17, 2024 at 6:04 | Permalink

      Well, with this big, wide smile on my face I have to say that this is precisely why I am such a groupie … this and also that one about “Islamofacism” … although no smile there just tremendous nodding up and down vigorously in agreement.