30th December 2003

Some of the 2024 Sandhill Offerings…

posted in The Proprietor |

Here’s a Sandhill year in review list o’ links…

January… a young journalist’s career is launched.

JanuaryBen Granby, live from Iraq.

Februarythe Columbia went down.

MarchDad received his “Timeless Innovation” award from Kraft Foods.

AprilI got busted for opposing the endless Republican war of imperialist aggression.

AprilMajor depression set in when my late submission of a paper to the Digital Genres conference was rejected for being late.

May… Sandhill Trek Interview: Ryan Irelan

May… Sandhill Trek Interview: Michelle Goodrich

MayAttended Digital Genres Confab at the University of Chicago.

June… Did my best to stretch my poor little head around the complexities of post modernism or whatever it is that’s happening now that post modernism is universally acknowledged to have been an arid pseudo-intellectual dead-end with no redeeming virtues save the enrichment of a few quasi French (Algerian really ) poseurs.

June… Sandhill Trek Interview: Betsy Devine

June… Sandhill Trek Interview: Steve MacLaughlin

July… Sandhill Trek Interview: Chris Locke

August… Sandhill Trek Quickie: Robert Arnold

OctoberShelley Powers at Cromlech Glen

OctoberBegan the diet. Met Norm Jenson in virtual space.

NovemberAndrea James becomes Fishrush.

NovemberEscape from userland!

December… Sandhill Trek Interview: David Weinberger

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